This gave me a processable document in a few minutes. My coauthors use this to draw lines and ovals in linguistic examples. Any suggestions for fixing this or for getting rid of tree-dvips in a painless way I have tons of trees already done The code even fits on one screen now. If you search for tikz-qtree questions on the site you'll find lots of examples; there are also plenty in the tikz-qtree documentation. tree-dvips.sty

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It has a much easier syntax and gives you pretty much all of the same functionality as tree-dvips. Sign up using Email and Password.

Index of /pub/tex-archive/macros/latex209/contrib/trees/tree-dvips

Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Here's a version of your tree using tikz-qtree. This gave me a processable document in a few minutes. I've added an example to my answer. How do we handle problem users? Here is my code: Honestly, I would redo this using tikz-qtree.


I try to switch to XeLaTeX, but the package tree-dvips causes problems. My coauthors use this ttree-dvips.sty draw lines and ovals in linguistic examples.

Index of /CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/trees/tree-dvips/

Asked 7 years ago. Sign up to join this community. If you search for tikz-qtree questions on the site you'll find lots of examples; there are also plenty in the tikz-qtree documentation. Post as a guest Name. Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: David Carlisle k 44 44 gold badges tdee-dvips.sty badges bronze badges. Active 2 years, 2 months ago.

Index of /pub/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/trees/tree-dvips

Nevertheless I fell in love with the triz-qtree package yesterday. It only takes a minute to sign up. Email Tree-dgips.sty, but never shown. I found a really simple way: Any suggestions for fixing this or for getting rid of tree-dvips in a painless way I have tons of trees already done The trees look much more uniform than what I managed to do with tree-dvips and it is way easier to draw the trees.

But some things just cannot be done automatically and it it good to know that the pst-node solution is still around. Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered.


So the hint towards this package definitely changed my live! The best answers are voted up and rise to the top.

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Sign up using Facebook. Just to show what you can do I've put boxes around a couple of nodes and connected them with an arrow. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service. Improving the tree-dvips.ty experience. The code even fits on one screen now.


Alan Munn Alan Munn k 30 30 gold badges silver badges bronze badges. You can circle nodes, connect them with arrows etc.

Can I also connect arbitrary nodes on a page? Output might be broken!!!
